What kind of book were read that particular summer?
Frederic Forsyt "The Afghan" "L'Afghan"
Karin Slaughter "Pieces of her"/Son vrai visage
Erica James "The Queen of New Beginnings"
Charlotte Lyne "Die zwolfte Nacht"
Irvin D. Yalom "The Spinoza problem"
Christoph Keese "Silicon Valley"
Ann Cleeves "Red bones"
Dani Atkins "While I was sleeping"
Crosswords/Des mots croisés
The bible?/La bible?
Karin Slaughter "Pieces of her"/"Son vrai visage"
De mon côté, je viens de finir "La trilogie écossaise" de Peter May, de commencer "Le pont sur la Drina" d'Ivo Andric, avant d'attaquer "Good children of the flower" de Hong Ying, recommandé par
For my part I just finished reading "The Lewis Trilogy" by Peter May, started "The bridge on the Drina" par Ivo Andric then I'll read "Good Children of the Flower" by Honh Ying as recommended by Lucie.
Et vous? Des livres à recommander?
And you? Any books to recommend?